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By Ivory on 18 Dec 2018
Digital Editor

「雷神」基斯咸士禾夫(Chris Hemsworth)係英雄就係人都知,但佢細佬都係個「無名英雄」!我唔係講緊洛基(Loki),而係講緊佢親生細佬里安咸士禾夫(Liam Hemsworth)。

IG@ChrishemsworthPhoto from IG@Chrishemsworth

上個月嘅加洲大火,燒毀大批民居,更波及唔少名人嘅豪宅,雷神親生細佬里安咸士禾夫(Liam Hemsworth)同佢另一半Miley Cyrus嘅愛巢亦無倖免。

在 Instagram 查看這則貼文

It’s been a heartbreaking few days. This is what’s left of my house. Love. Many people in Malibu and surrounding areas in California have lost their homes also and my heart goes out to everyone who was affected by these fires. I spent the day in Malibu yesterday and it was amazing to see the community pulling together to help each other out in any way they can. Malibu is a strong community and this event is only going to make it stronger. Thankful for the all the great local guys that helped keep smaller fires out around my property. I love u guys. I love you Malibu. Thank you to all the hero firefighters around California. It’s going to be a journey to rebuild. Stay strong all. To help/donate visit @malibufoundation and @happyhippiefdn

Liam Hemsworth(@liamhemsworth)分享的貼文 於 張貼


IG@liamhemsworthPhoto from IG@liamhemsworth

日前里安(Liam)嘅未婚妻 Miley Cyrus上節目《The Howard Stern Show》嘅時候,憶述番火災時嘅情況:「火警發生時同里安以及16隻寵物喺屋企,當中包括7隻狗、3隻貓、2隻馬、2隻迷你馬同2隻豬。」雖然自己條命都重要,但佢同里安更擔心寵物嘅安全,里安仲不顧危險,衝入火場勇救寵物。

IG@liamhemsworthPhoto from IG@liamhemsworth

IG@liamhemsworthPhoto from IG@liamhemsworth

Miley繼續話:「里安喺危急關頭諗到一個十分聰明嘅方法將寵物安全帶走,就係搵一條大水喉,開大水柱射向動物,順勢將佢哋趕入一個箱入面,齊齊上貨車逃離火場。」「佢將兩隻豬帶入木箱,我話你知真係好難做到,佢追住啲豬趕佢哋入箱,真係個天才! 唔止啊,佢仲要捉緊時間去追其中一隻跳咗落車嘅貓,就係唔願意令任何一隻寵物受傷!」

IG@liamhemsworthPhoto from IG@liamhemsworth

IG@liamhemsworthPhoto from IG@liamhemsworth

IG@liamhemsworthPhoto from IG@liamhemsworth

Miley不禁大讚另一半醒目又勇敢,比以前更愛對方咁話:「Liam,我未試過咁愛佢,我依家會叫佢做『生存伴侶』(survival partner),佢覺得唔夠浪漫,但我覺得好適合。搵另一半就係要咁,佢真係好勁!」最後,雖然Miley多年嚟嘅手稿都化為灰燼,但Liam成功救晒所有寵物出火場,仲算係不幸之中嘅大幸!

IG@liamhemsworthPhoto from IG@liamhemsworth

「雷神」係基斯咸士禾夫(Chris Hemsworth)係「超級英雄」,而細佬里安咸士禾夫(Liam Hemsworth)先係現實中真正嘅超級英雄!

IG@liamhemsworthPhoto from IG@liamhemsworth

除咗呢件事,里安(Liam)同時關注好多動物、虐兒議題等,人唔止靚仔,心地仲好好!唔怪得佢嘅未婚妻Miley Cyrus都話未試過咁愛佢啦!

Text: Holiday Editorial

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