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By Helen on 17 Oct 2019
Digital Editor


All Day Breakfast首選Egg Benedict!餐廳有唔同顏色造成嘅荷蘭醬,最吸引嘅一款必定係呢款Tiffany Blue嘅Egg Benedict,再配合一杯Latte,必打卡呀!

theglassden @IGPhoto from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

Blue eggs benny

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

theglassden @IGPhoto from theglassden @IG

Pork Katsu Croissant with Golden Curry Hollandaise

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

Strawberry Cheesecake Waffles

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

Roti Hotcakes
早午餐除咗食傳統款式Egg Benedict之外,中意甜嘅朋友可以選擇呢款棉花糖熱香餅~

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG


全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG


全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

全日早餐, 墨爾本, 澳洲Photo from theglassden @IG

The Glass Den
地址:15 Urquhart St, Coburg VIC 3058, Australia
電話:+61 3 9354 5032
營業時間: 星期一至日:08:00–15:30

Text: Holiday Editorial

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